Kendra talks to Leah Hampton about F*ckface: and Other Stories, which is out now from Henry Holt.
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Photo credit: Carrie Hachadurian
Author Bio
Leah Hampton writes about Appalachia, corpses, ecoanxiety, and smart women. Her debut collection, F*ckface and Other Stories, was released by Henry Holt in July 2020. A graduate of the Michener Center for Writers, she has been awarded UT-Austin’s Keene Prize for Literature, the James Hurst Prize for Fiction, and the Doris Betts Prize, and has held fellowships at Hedgebrook, the Adirondack Center for Writing, Wildacres, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Stadler Center for Poetry at Bucknell University. She lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
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Music by Isaac Greene